Coronavirus (COVID-19)
On the 12th April 2011 I fell to the floor, dead. I had suffered a massive bilateral pulmonary embolism. I am one of the very few that live to tell the tale. Ever since that day my heart, lungs, blood circulation through my deep veins and my immune system have all been greatly compromised.
Today is the 27th March 2020 and I’m now on day 19 of self-isolating. Regrettably I showed all the signs of having contracted Coronavirus (COVID-19) and it was vital that I do all that I can to remove the threat from my loved ones, friends and colleagues. My GP’s have been in contact and have checked up on me on a regular basis, in the past 19 days I have not ventured outside the home. It hasn’t always been easy that’s for sure, and there really are only so many times you can watch Dan Robson score a try for Wasps rugby, without thinking; ‘why didn’t their number 10 tackle him, he’s right there….!!’ In Saracens, Jackson Wray’s defence, Dan is fleet of foot…!
As the present pandemic continues, and with new medical data being released on an hourly rate the world is heading towards a total shutdown of all but vital roles in our communities. This naturally raises the number of people who will therefore start to work from home, we’re also concerned about the rise in the number of senior family members, friends and colleagues who might well become more sedentary because of the being unable to maintain their daily health routines by being able to access external facilities.
During the research that is the basis of the RBR Legflow™ our colleague, Professor Richard Beasley, concluded that after just 90 minutes an individual’s blood flow to the lower limbs has decreased by over 50%. This is the critical time, it is when there is a significant rise in the threat of developing a deadly blood clot #DVT #PulmonaryEmbolism #VTE
Working From Home in itself brings many benefits. No commuting, not having to try and work out who stole your food from the communal fridge, and no tea and coffee runs of more than 1 or maybe 2 cups. Then of course there’s no longer having to deal with the office clown, or the irritating boss. On the downside though, despite all of your goals of “not working longer than I should”, “I will not get distracted by social media as I’m sat at the desk”, I will get up and go for a walk like I do every day at work”, all these good intentions may well fall by the wayside far too easily. Because of this, the threat of developing a #DVT could well become increased.
As employers, your company have the responsibility to look after your welfare, they also have a legal duty of care for you, whether you’re in the office or sat at the improvised office at home. Your Human Resource team should have carried out risk assessments in relation to the time you potentially might be spending at your desk whilst working from home.
Has your employer advised you of the signs of a DVT? Has your employer put in place a way to facilitate safe working conditions at home? Reports on sitting correctly at your home work station, how to raise your PC screen to avoid straining your neck have all been raised by various HSE specialists, yet the one thing that should really be addressed is that of Thrombosis.
Duty of care is described as; a moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others. “employers have a duty of care to their employees”
Although the term ‘duty of care’ can seem a little alien at first, it can roughly be thought of as the responsibility of an individual to not harm others through carelessness. The current Law is based around the ‘Caparo test’. The first stage revolves around whether it is foreseeable that the defendant’s carelessness could cause damage to the claimant. The second stage is based on whether there is a relationship of proximity. Are you connected to the company? The third and final stage of Caparo involves establishing whether it would be fair, just and reasonable for the courts to find that you are owed a duty of care.
With working from home now becoming the safest way to control the spread of the coronavirus, awareness of changes in the blood flow to the lower limbs is vital.
There are some superb YouTube programs like “PE with Joe” that energise family and friends to maintain (and even in some circumstances) start an exercise routine. Keeping moving is so important, but what can you do if you’re at the desk or dining table? This is also true with regards to other areas of our communities. Our older neighbours, isolated because of the pandemic, family and friends in retirement homes unable to go out. What about expectant mothers? How can and should we, as a community support these people?
At RBR Active™ we believe very strongly that it is intrinsic of us to do all we can to not only raise awareness of the official advice from the WHO on how to manage and deal with the pandemic, to do all we can to support our emergency services as they deal with the results of our loved ones potentially succumbing to COVID-19, but we’re also really proud to, at this time to be offering a £10.00 discount on any order via our website. Quite simply use code “CORONACARE” on the RBR Active™ online shop.
Of course, if after reading these few words, if there’s anything else you feel we could do to support you, your employers, your neighbours, then please do let us know.
For now, stay inside, keep safe, wash your hands and keep the blood flowing…!