This DVT Awareness Month make sure you #SeekHELP

A man who almost died from a blood clot is urging people to be aware of the warning signs this DVT Awareness Month.

Paul Westerman, founder of RBR Active, launched a campaign called #SeekHELP to warn the public of the main symptoms of deep vein thrombosis and encourages anyone who experiences Heat, Excessive redness, Localised swelling or Pain to get urgent medical attention.

Mr Westerman said he hoped his drive would help to save thousands of lives.

He added: “Blood clots cost the NHS millions of pounds which could be saved with heightened awareness.

“Knowing the main symptoms of a DVT is crucial. Our campaign aims to make them easier to remember and therefore hopefully will cut the time down before people seek medical help. A blood clot left untreated can be life-threatening.”

There may be few or no symptoms of DVT and 80% of cases are silent. But if you experience heat, excessive redness, localised swelling or pain you should #SeekHELP from a medical professional.

He said: “Blood clots kill more people each year than AIDs, breast cancer, prostate cancer and motor vehicle crashes combined.

“It’s a serious problem and people need to urgently #SeekHELP if they experience any of the symptoms.”

According to statistics, one in four people die globally from events relating to blood clots. It is also estimated to cost the NHS more than £200million every year, money Mr Westerman believes could be saved with greater awareness.

“I believe I survived for a reason, and that reason is to help others survive,” he added.

Since his illness in 2011 he has founded RBR Active and the company is currently launching a ground-breaking product with medical backing which could drastically reduce the instances of DVT.

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