Some interesting facts from the insurance industry, especially those that promote their cover amongst travellers.
Did you know that in the UK, single trip insurance cover earns the industry over £550m annually? Or that for World Wide travel policies insurers earn in excess of £366m? As for EU cover policies (the largest cost for UK businesses’) the insurance industry earns in excess of £231m annually.*
Why are these figures so interesting? As we know, travel insurance adds to the cost of the journey, whether it’s a flight (business or leisure) or the cost of the holiday. According to consumer, in some instances policies have increased in price by over 15% from 2023 to 2024. These costs increase even more so if you’re living with a medical condition and/or disability, and that they also increase when age linked.
When RBR legflow™ pitched to the Dragons’ Den on series 19, one discussion sadly that made it to the cutting room floor was when we discussed the excess that those with existing conditions have to pay for travel insurance, especially those who had suffered from a previous thrombosis (DVT), and how, that by using the DVT prevention device, the threat of a further thrombosis was mitigated. Should we therefore be looking to the insurance industry to take a lead on reducing the risk and therefore policy costs? Or, should the consumer take responsibility? Surely if as consumers we take proactive steps to reduce our personal risk, insurers should reduce the cost of the policy?
The reality is, whether you’re a traveller, a holiday maker, an airline, a travel management company, a travel agency, or an insurer. If there was a researched and proven deliverable to reduce the potential threat of an insured person claiming on a policy due to thrombosis, wouldn’t you embrace it?